Jenny Edmunds
Jenny Edmunds
Jenny works in the bedding lab at Waupun Veterinary Services. She cultures bedding samples to determine the specific bacteria present and the levels per gram of dry matter. All bedding cultures from our lab reports back the dry matter of the bedding material along with the organic load for sand bedding. After Jenny cultures the bedding samples, Dr. Monty Belmer analyzes it and a report is sent back to the farmer. WVS receives bedding samples from throughout the state and country. It is one of a handful of bedding labs in the United States.
Jenny also works at the front desk reception area two mornings of the week, answering calls and helping customers. She also lends a hand in the milk lab when needed.
Jenny and her husband Jason have a daughter Jocelyn. They all enjoy being outside hunting and fishing and like to hit the trails with their UTV in the summer and fall. They are active in 4-H with Jocelyn showing beef cattle. The family also enjoys helping at Jenny's parents' farm where they custom raise heifers.
Jenny Edmunds